Our Other Activities...

In addition to the annual Summertown Singers holiday, there are several opportunities for choir members to get together for social and musical activities.


We organise regular workshops during the season to develop good technique, which helps to make the most of the pleasure and benefits of singing and gives us all a chance to improve. The workshops, with recognised singing teachers, are very popular with choir members.

The choir's most recent workshops have been taken by Ghislaine Morgan, David Mason and Peter Allwood.

More singing

blenheim 2011
SCS members singing carols at Blenheim Palace.

For several years, a subset of the choir has sung carols at the enormously popular Living Crafts Fair at Blenheim Palace. Here are the 2011 singers, in the Great Courtyard at the Palace on a glorious winter’s day.

Singing as the Summertown Singers, a small group has sung part-songs and madrigals at Chastleton House for the last few years on the occasion of the House’s last opening day of the season.

The Summertown Singers at Chastleton House
The Summertown Singers at Chastleton House.

Social activities

Many members routinely move on to our local, the Dew Drop Inn, or other Summertown bars and cafes after rehearsals, making the most of Thursday nights. We also hold social evenings following rehearsals at least twice a term to welcome new members and give everyone a chance to socialise. And it is traditional to follow each of our two main concerts with an end-of-term party – an opportunity for members to mull over the performance, and the reviews, over a glass or two of wine.

Other social events – such as opera trips – are arranged at intervals when an interesting opportunity presents itself.